The EASM PhD Student Seminar is a two-day international seminar, taking place on 2-3 September 2024, prior to the EASM 2024 conference in Paris. The seminar aims at gathering doctoral students in the field of sport management from all over the world for mutual discussions, presentations of their research projects and feedback from senior scholars. Another important element is the creation of networks, that will hopefully encourage future joint research projects across nations and the establishment of fruitful social relations.

Application and Registration

Applications for participation in the PhD Seminar must be submitted before 26 April 2024 (23:59 CET).

First time attendees will be given priority. To foster fruitful discussion and collaboration among the participants, a maximum of 20 PhD students will be admitted to the seminar.

Applicants will receive a notification of acceptance by 24 May 2024.

The application must include a brief overview (max. 400 words, excluding references) of the PhD project including the problem statement, research field, as well as theoretical and methodological considerations. Furthermore, applicants must indicate the name(s) of their supervisor(s), their institutional affiliation and the status of their project (e.g., beginning, halfway or at the end). The PhD project must have a sport management perspective.

Please use the main conference’s standard scientific tracks as a yardstick whether your project falls within the sport management field or feel free to contact Chris Horbel ( if you are unsure or would like to discuss in advance of submitting your application.

Please send your abstract and the required information via email to Chris Horbel (

All successful candidates will receive their letter of acceptance and will be requested to register for the seminar and the EASM Conference via the official event booking ConfTool system. The deadline for registration is 31 July 2024. If the registration is not completed by this date, the spot will be made available for students on the waiting list.

The fee for participation in the EASM PhD Student Seminar 2024 is € 500. Participation in the EASM PhD Student Seminar 2024 includes access to the 2024 EASM Conference in Paris (full package).

Requirements for participation

Submission of short paper

To participate, the doctoral student is required to submit and present a short paper.

Paper presentations are an important part of the EASM PhD Student Seminar. The purpose is to give young scholars the opportunity to present their work and receive comprehensive feedback from senior scholars and fellow students. We do not expect fully finished papers. On the contrary, we encourage submitting ‘early-work-in-progress’ because this provides a good point of departure for subsequent revision and improvement before submitting the manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal or integrating it in the PhD thesis.

Papers can be a first draft of a journal article, a detailed description of the research project or a (method-)chapter for the dissertation. Papers must be written in English and should be between 2,000 and 3,000 words (excluding references) in length. A consistent reference style must be applied.

We encourage a focus on research design, methodology or philosophy of science. This implies less emphasis on comprehensive state-of-art literature review (what is going on in the specific research area) and thorough analysis (we assume this will be the next step). Our intention is, if possible, to discuss the early phase of the PhD research projects. For second time seminar attendees: if a methodological paper was presented the first time you attended, you might move on to present a paper containing either your theoretical framework, a state-of-the-art literature review or an outline of your analysis.

Paper presentation and discussion

Each participant will get 30 minutes for the presentation and discussion of the paper. Participants should briefly introduce their papers/projects in a presentation of max. 10 minutes. This should include highlighting key questions to fellow seminar participants or focusing on a specific topic for subsequent discussion.

Prior to the seminar, all papers will be circulated among the participants and each participant will be assigned one paper in the role as main discussant. After the presentation by the author, the assigned discussant will provide comments and feedback and chair the subsequent round of questions and comments by other participants and the senior scholars.

We put great emphasis on a comfortable atmosphere to provide fruitful and constructive feedback to each presenter, which will hopefully support progress on everyone’s project. So please bear in mind that most participants are non-native English speakers. Over the years, the EASM PhD Student Seminar has built-up a great number of successful ‘alumni’. Also, fine international networks have been established.

Thank you for sharing your work with us!

Deadline for submission of the short paper is 4 August 2024. The short paper must be submitted via email to Chris Horbel ( Within a week after submission deadline, papers will be circulated and roles as discussants assigned.

Subject Information
Application PERIOD 1: Submission of Abstracts up to the 26th of April 2024 (23:59 CET); notification of acceptance by the 24th of May 2024.
PERIOD 2: until the 30th of June 2024; for remaining available spots on first-come-first-serve basis.
Registration After being formally accepted, online registration via event booking system (ConfTool) is required before the 31st of July, 2024.
Date 2-3 September 2024
Place Paris
Paper submission Short paper (2,000-3,000 words) to be submitted by email to the seminar hosts by the 4th of August 2024
Price € 500
Package includes Admission to EASM PhD Student Seminar and to the entire EASM Conference 2024 (full package – see conference section on the website for details)
Participants Max. 20 PhD Students


Location: Bâtiment Copernic, 5 Boulevard Descartes 77420 Champs-sur-Marne 

Google Maps:

Monday, 2 September 2024

9.30 – 10.20Welcome & Introduction @ The Works
10.20 – 10.30Short break
10.30 – 11.30Paper presentations (2 Parallel sessions)

Session 1a (Chair: Bram Constandt) 

Michaela Lavičková Discussant: Nathalie WidmerChallenging the Status Quo: The Role of Boardwork in Advancing Gender Equality in Sport Organizations

Jennifer Pitson Discussant: Sixu DengThe role of sport in contributing to successful ageing 

Session 1b (Chair: Chris Horbel) 

Daphné Perroud Discussant: Marie B. De CockThe process of co-branding of the personal brand of Paralympic athletes with their stakeholders in France and Canada

Bruce Bingxu Cheng Discussant: Celina GaedekeExplore the Influence of Perceived Social Media Marketing Activities of the Premier League on the Consumer Relationship Quality and Consumers’ Word-of-Mouth Intention in the Chinese market
11.30 – 12.00Coffee Break
12.00 – 13.00Paper presentations (2 Parallel sessions)

Session 2a (Chair: Bram Constandt)

Jingyi Kang Discussant: Michaela Lavičková
Local Level Response to Institutional Change in SafeSport Programming: A Case Study of US Figure Skating

Kristian K. Sigvartsen Discussant: Jennifer PitsonSuccess Against All Odds? Organizational And Performance Development in Scandinavian Elite Football

Session 2b (Chair: Chris Horbel) 

Jamie Wilks Discussant: Thibault FouquaertCo-benefits and trade-offs of adopting climate mitigation and adaptation measures in competitive sport

Katho Jacobs Discussant: Ben MoleDo fans care? A mixed-method study on football fans’ moral appropriateness perceptions of controversial sports sponsorships
13.00 – 14.00Lunch
14.00 – 15.00Keynote 1:
Stefan Walzel
Conclusions from systematic literature reviews in sport management research
15.00 – 15.30Coffee Break
15.30 – 16.30Paper presentations (2 Parallel sessions)

Session 3a (Chair: Bram Constandt) 

Sixu Deng Discussant: Kristian K. SigvartsenThe Use of Football Refereeing Technology Among Referees

Bastian Daneyko Discussant: Jingyi KangDoping offender or media victim? Quantity and quality of reporting on doping scandals

Session 3b (Chair: Chris Horbel)

Marie B. De Cock Discussant: Jamie WilksA Balancing Act? An Investigation of Tensions Related to Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation in Professional Soccer

Ben Mole Discussant: Katho JacobsIs bigger always better? Elite sport future during the climate crisis
19.00Joint Dinner

Tuesday, 3 September 2024

10.00 – 11.00Paper presentations (2 Parallel sessions)

Session 4a (Chair: Bram Constandt) 

Theo Frixou Discussant: Michal ŠarlákFossil Fuel Sport Sponsorship – An Exploration into Legitimacy

Josephine Traberg Discussant: Edvinas EimontasEthical Environmental Sustainability Signaling in the Sport Industry: How Sport Organizations Can Avoid Greenwashing

Session 4b (Chair: Chris Horbel) 

Carina Sahm Discussant: Bruce ChengThe Effect of Social Media on Young People’s Sport Participation: A Quantitative Analysis of 14- to 17-Year-Old Residents of Bavaria Using Instagram and TikTok as Examples

Saad Alshamari Discussant: Umit BehremExamining The Impact of Hosting Sport Mega-Events on Local Sport Consumption Behavior
11.00 – 11.30Coffee Break
11.00 – 13.00Paper presentations (2 Parallel sessions)

Session 5a (Chair: Bram Constandt) 

Edvinas Eimontas Discussant: Theo FrixouSustainability and ESG concept in sports organisations – responsibility for the athletes through Dual Career perspective

Nathalie Widmer Discussant: Bastian DaneykoAnalysis of values in the statutes of sports clubs in Ticino and Vaud

Michal Šarlák Discussant: Josephine TrabergA sustainable strategy for the governance of sport at local government level in Slovakia

Session 5b (Chair: Chris Horbel) 

Thibault Fouquaert Discussant: Daphné PerroudHow Virtual Sports Became Sports: A Case Study Of World Triathlon’s And UCI’s Legitimation Strategies Of Virtual Cycling As Early Stage Disruptive Sport Innovation

Celina Gaedeke Discussant: Saad AlshamariAll Bases Loaded? Investigating Second Screening Use of Team Sport Consumers in a Real-World Setting

Umit Behrem Discussant: Carina SahmPerformance Management in Public Sports Facilities
13.00 – 14.00Lunch
14.00 – 15.30Keynotes 2 & 3:Géraldine Zeimers The use of AI in sport management research

& Erik LachanceMy Academic Journey and Theory Development in Sport Management
15.30 – 16.00Coffee & Diplomas
16.00 – 17.00Keynote 4:
Katherine Babiak & Paul Downward
How to get published?
17.00Closing & Farewell

Seminar Chairs

Dr. Chris Horbel Professor, Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, Norway

Dr. Bram Constandt
Professor, Ghent University, Belgium

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Géraldine Zeimers Professor, UCLouvain, Belgium

Dr. Stefan Walzel German Sport University Cologne

Dr. Erik Lachance Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Brock University, Canada

Dr. Kathy Babiak Professor, University of Michigan, USA & Editor of ESMQ

Dr. Paul Downward Professor, Loughborough University, UK & Former Editor of ESMQ